I'm lucky to have a small and manageable dollhouse show to go to right by my house: the
Hightstown Miniature Show, now in its 37th year. This is my fourth year going--I've
written about my visits before--and I've now honed my system for visiting and buying.
Here are my tips for this show, and these may apply to other similar traditional shows:
- First: SHOW UP LATE. I arrived with only 90 minutes left for the show and it was not crowded and I found a lot of things. Also, most sellers were offering 1/2 off everything since it was toward the end.
- Second: MODERN IS NOT MAINSTREAM. No one is really collecting modern, so you can find some cool styles, usually discounted. This makes the first tip even more relevant, since early birds will be hunting down Victorian quarter scale and not midcentury.
- Third: ALWAYS DO AN EXTRA LOOP AROUND, EVEN IF YOU THINK YOU'VE SEEN EVERYTHING. You haven't seen it all, trust me. I always find things in places I thought I had looked. You just overlooked them!
- Fourth: HAVE PATIENCE WITH THE DOLLAR BINS. While it might all look broken and/or dusty, you can find some gems in the plentiful dollar bins -- most sellers have some version of them.
So, all in all, it was a productive and happy experience. I do like "getting lost" in all the stuff, and there was a lot of it.
Here are my spoils!
There are some useful things here, for sure. Let's take a closer look...
These cool retro outdoor chairs, also pictured at the top of the post, were sold by this woman who had used them in her original dollhouse growing up in the 1960s. They are metal with plastic tubing, just like the real chairs! The pillow was from a different seller. |
This table and chairs were also from the same seller who had them in her house. I am wondering if they are by KAGE or Strombecker....any ideas? |
A comfy dog bed -- did not have one of these. Nice green rug, too. |
I got a very nice wooden dining table that needs a leg fixed. |
Hope you enjoyed seeing my finds.