Design Within Reach Champagne Chair Contest: Circle Chaise

I just finished my entry for the Design Within Reach Champagne Chair Contest. Introducing...

Circle Chaise

I used two corks (thanks to my Mom and a work buddy) and decided to cut thin, uniform (or as best as I could manage) circle shapes to form a chaise lounge. At first I was not going to nest the circles, but then there were gaps, so I cut and sized each one. I then sealed everything with Aleene's Tacky Glue and used one of the cages for hairpin legs. The tops of both corks are the pillows!

This was a lot of fun -- I enjoy getting immersed in a hands-on task like this. You can see the photo gallery of entries here, or on Twitter with hashtag dwrchampagnechair. Very creative stuff! A few of my favorites:

Let me know if you entered!

UPDATE, 1/22/13: Design Within Reach just posted the top 10 finalists and 7 Honorable Mentions for the Champagne Chair Contest here. No modern miniature peeps made the cut this year, but the competition was fierce! Megan of Modern Mini Houses and Mini*Aesthetics did a wonderful job of transforming their materials -- really impressive! Mini*Aesthetics also felt compelled to write an articulate open letter to DWR. Read it here. Congrats to all who entered and to all who have been singled out by DWR!

Design Within Reach Champagne Chair Contest

Courtesy of Apartment Therapy
Hey, mini community: got any leftover champagne corks and cages from New Years? is your chance to create an original mini chair using only glue and those materials for the annual Design Within Reach Champagne Chair Contest!

The contest started in 2002, and there's been some awesome eye candy over the years. Here's some past entries:

2010 entries courtesy of Design Romp

Above three images courtesy of Apartment Therapy

Courtesy of Design Within Reach
Amazing, right?

Are you entering? I am going to try my best, although I have no corks or cages!! Wish me luck in finding some!

All the contest details are here. The grand prize is a $1,000 gift certificate to Design Within Reach, and the second and third place winners will receive $500 and $250 gift certificates to DWR, respectively. Check out all the current entries on Twitter using #dwrchampagnechair.

You have until 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on January 14, so get cracking (or popping?)!